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6 FOODS you need to eat during periods

1. Pomegranate (“the fruit of the beauty")

Pomegranate is rich in phytoestrogens similar to female hormones, which helps maintain the balance of female hormones. Because of this, it is effective in relieving menstrual pain and menstrual irregularities caused by lack or excess of hormones. It is also helpful for skin troubles, one of the typical physiological syndrome (PMS) symptoms.

However, for some women, eating pomegranate during their period can increase their period. It's not a big problem for your health, but it can be uncomfortable, so avoid taking it for about a week during your period.


2. Banana

Bananas contain a variety of ingredients that can help with menstrual cramps and PMS symptoms.

First is magnesium. Each 100 grams of bananas which is one large contains 32 mg of magnesium, which is about 10% of the recommended daily amount of magnesium. Magnesium, along with calcium, is a nutrient that helps reduce uterine muscle spasms and contractions. In addition to bananas, foods rich in magnesium include dark chocolate and almonds.

The second is the tryptophan component. Tryptophan is an essential substance in our body to synthesize serotonin, which is called the happiness hormone. Tryptophan in bananas promotes the secretion of serotonin through metabolic processes in the body. Serotonin regulates appetite, sleep, muscle contraction, and mood swings. It is helpful in controlling appetite, depression or irritability, which is easily manifested by hormonal changes before or during menstruation. It also has the effect of reducing pain through relief of uterine muscle contractions.

The third is vitamin B. According to a research from University of Massachusetts Amherst, menstrual cramps were reduced by 25% in the group with high vitamin B intake. It should be noted that while B vitamin supplements did not have a great effect, they were only effective when natural B vitamins were ingested through food. In addition, it was particularly effective in vitamins B1 and B2 among the vitamin B groups.

In addition to bananas, foods rich in these ingredients include spinach, yeast, legumes, and dairy products. Bananas are good for preventing constipation as they are representative high-fiber foods. It is also helpful for women who complain of constipation and bloated stomach due to menstrual digestion.


3. Ginger

It is effective in relieving menstrual pain by helping blood circulation and warming the body.

In order to reduce menstrual pain, it is necessary to keep the belly warm at all times to facilitate blood circulation and to allow the uterine blood to drain well during the menstrual period. Root vegetables, such as ginger, relieve clumps of blood, allowing menstrual blood to come out naturally. Therefore, it is good for both menstrual irregularities and menstrual pain relief.


4. Leek

Leek is also a warm food, so it is good for alleviating menstrual pain. Because warm food has the effect of promoting blood circulation and clearing the blood.

In addition, it has the effect of generating leek blood, so it is good for preventing anemia, which can be caused by increased blood discharge during menstruation. Mugwort is also a food of warm nature, so it is good for women's health, but it has hemostasis, so it is better to avoid it during menstruation.


5. Seaweed

It is in line with eating a lot of seaweed to recover the body after childbirth. The wakame releases the blood accumulated in the uterus and helps the uterus to contract, promoting the discharge of waste products and blood stagnation.

In addition, alginic acid, which is toxic to seaweed, has the effect of releasing triglycerides, cholesterol, and heavy metals.

The reason for the increasing number of women complaining of menstrual pain than in the past is exposure to heavy metals and environmental hormones. By ingesting seaweed that removes waste products from the body, you can expect menstrual pain relief, detoxification, and swelling removal effects.


6. Dairy Products

This is due to the rich calcium and vitamin D in dairy products. Research shows that calcium is involved in the degree of menstrual pain has been around for a long time. This is because calcium has a calming effect and is essential for muscle contraction and relaxation.

In fact, even in a study of women, menstrual cramps were more severe when calcium was insufficient. In recent years, vitamin D has been continuously announced for various effects other than bone formation and maintenance, and among them, it has the effect of relieving menstrual pain.

According to a research from Lenos Hill Hospital in the United States, about 40% decrease in menstrual pain index was found in women who took vitamin D supplements five days before their scheduled menstruation date. This is presumed to be because vitamin D inhibits prostaglandins and cytokines that promote inflammation.

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